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🚩Divorce Red Flags🚩
Avoid mistakes & protect yourself. 


Has a narcissist in your life derailed you?

Maybe more than one?

Join us for this half-day virtual workshop with professional guidance on how to heal, protect yourself and move forward with confidence in 2022!

Meet Our Host

Amy Polacko

Amy Polacko

Freedom Warrior Coach & Founder of Strong Savvy Women Community

I’m on a mission to educate all women on how to spot toxic people who can destroy your life – before it’s too late. I’ve been divorced twice and have learned a lot along the way, so I love coaching women to create an amazing next chapter. I am a champion for women, public speaker, and award-winning journalist whose recent articles have appeared in Ms. Magazine, The Washington Post and Newsweek. I hope you join our workshop and Freedom Warrior Tribe!


Thank You
Jen Kane Paterson

Jen Kane Paterson

of Waterway Wealth Advisors

Jen empowers women to take control of their money and will be speaking on “Overcoming Financial Abuse and Achieving Financial Freedom.”


Trevor Crow

Trevor Crow

LMFT, MBA – Marriage & Family Therapist

Sandra Fava

Sandra Fava

Attorney – Family Law Practice Partner

Dr. Nakpangi Thomas

Dr. Nakpangi Thomas

PhD, LPC, TITC-CT – Licensed Professional Counselor & Professor

Christine Cocchiola

Christine Cocchiola

LCSW – Intimate Partner Abuse Advocate & Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Kathy Hayes-Bloch

Kathy Hayes-Bloch

MSW, LCSW – Trauma Specialist & Psychotherapist

Carla DeLucia

Carla DeLucia

Intuitive Coach, Multidimensional Channel and Healer


9:00-9:15 am
It’s Time to Take Your Power Back
Amy Polacko of Freedom Warrior Coaching
9:15-9:45 am
Profile of a Narcissist
Christine Cocchiola, LCSW – Intimate Partner Abuse Advocate & Licensed Clinical Social Worker
9:45-10:15 am
13 Tips on How to Deal With a Narcissist
Dr. Nakpangi Thomas, PhD, LPC, TITC-CT – Licensed Professional Counselor & Professor
10:15-10:45 am
Beating a Narcissist in Court
Attorney Sandra Fava – Family Law Practice Partner
10:45-10:50 am
Coffee/Bathroom Break
Time of Reflection
10:50-11:00 am
Overcoming Financial Abuse & Achieving Financial Freedom
Jen Kane Paterson – Certified Divorce Financial Analyst/Financial Advisor
11:00-11:30 am
Healing from Trauma
Kathy Hayes-Bloch, MSW, LCSW – Trauma Specialist & Psychotherapist
11:30-12:00 pm
What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like?
Trevor Crow, LMFT, MBA – Marriage & Family Therapist
12:00-12:25 pm
Cutting Energetic Cords to Toxic Relationships
Carla DeLucia – Intuitive Coach, Multidimensional Channel and Healer
12:25-12:30 pm
Giveaways, Resources & Final Thoughts
Amy Polacko of Freedom Warrior Coaching



Narc Free New Year

Virtual Workshop

  • Missed? Not to worry… get access to the recording below!

  • This half-day session on Zoom featuring a panel of respected speakers will focus on narcissists’ psychological profile, tips on how to deal with them, how to beat them in court, healing from trauma, healthy relationships, plus how to reclaim your power – and peace.
  • The registration fee is $99* and all participants will receive the full recording in case you miss part or all of the live event.
  • A portion of the proceeds will go to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

*If you are in need of a scholarship to attend this event, please contact Amy Polacko directly at